Berry Hill Plantation Resort



Every person interviewed was asked how his parents (or surrogate parents) got along together when he was in his middle teens. The responses to this question provide a fascinating picture, for one finds that the four groups with the best interparental adjustment are, in order, the heterosexual offenders vs. adults, the heterosexual offenders vs. minors, the control group, and the prison group. These are the groups whose sexual behavior is least taboo. Conversely, those sex offenders who used force, who were involved with girls under twelve, or who were convicted of homosexual offenses, all occupy the lower portion of the rank-order.
Beyond this, certain other trends may be seen. Whereas nearly all tripartite sex-offender groups have at least one of their subgroups far from the other two in the rank-order, the three homosexual-offender subgroups tend to form a more closely knit unit typified by poor interparental adjustment. The incest offenders vs. children, those who have broken not only the incest taboo but also the age taboo, present the worst picture of all.
Men’s Health Erective Dysfunction